我曾與使用 Shipstation 插件的客户合作。更新到最新版本的 WooCommerce(2.2)後,插件停止工作,其 “設置” 下的選項卡無法單擊。在頂部,一些下拉菜單被打破了。這是修復,希望 Shipstation 更新插件 asap 。

修復 1:在 WooCommerce 2.2 中使 Shipstation 選項卡可以點擊

 // Look for "woocommerce" and change it to "wc-settings" in the function below  function tab() { 	$class = 'nav-tab'; 	if ( $this->current_tab == 'woo_ss' ) $class .= ' nav-tab-active'; 	echo '<a href="' . admin_url( 'admin.php?page=wc-settings&tab=woo_ss' ) . '" class="' . $class . '">ShipStation</a>'; }  

修復 2:修復 WooCommerce 2.2 中的 Shipstation“導入” 下拉菜單

 // Look for "options > array" and instead of the current value enter order statuses manually  'name' => __( 'Order Status to move it to when the shipnotify action is presented', $this->domain ), 		'desc' => '', 		'tip' => '', 		'id' => 'woo_ss_import_status', 		'css' => '', 		'std' => '', 		'type' => 'select', 		'options' => array ( "Pending" => "Pending", "Processing" => "Processing", "Cancelled" => "Cancelled", "Refunded" => "Refunded", "Failed" => "Failed" )  


您可以將 PHP 代碼片段放置在主題或子主題的 functions.php 文件的底部(如果是 CSS 代碼,請添加到主題的 style.css 文件底部),修改之前建議先備份原始文件,若出現錯誤請先刪除此代碼。


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